Are you thinking of getting a Dachshund? Are you wondering if they are the right dog breed for you and your family? Here’s everything you need to know about whether a Dachshund is the right dog breed for you!
Is A Dachshund The Right Dog Breed For Me? A Dachshund is the right dog breed for you if you want a small, loyal, smart, clingy, loving dog that’s full of personality and character. However, they are not the right dog breed for you if you want a quiet dog that does their own thing and does what they’re told!
But, before you go off and find a Dachshund to join your family, there’s more you need to know! Read on to find out the pros and cons of owning a Dachshund, and what’s so great about the breed!
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This article is based on research and personal experience as a Dachshund owner of 10+ years. I’m not a Vet, qualified dog trainer or dog behaviourist.
What Are The Pros Of Owning A Dachshund?
There are so many pros to owning a Dachshund, they truly are the most wonderful dog breed! Dachshunds have personality, energy, character, and so much love to give.
The pros of owning a Dachshund are:
Dachshunds are loyal companions
Dachshunds are incredibly loyal and attach themselves intensely to their owners. Normally, it’s the person that feeds or spends the most time with them!
They love being involved in everything and will follow their owners around like a shadow, even into the bathroom! In fact, personal space will become a thing of the past if you own a Dachshund!
Loyalty is one of their strongest and most endearing traits – they love nothing more than being with their pack!
Dachshunds are excellent watchdogs
As much as a Dachshund’s constant barking can get a bit annoying sometimes, they’re also brilliant watchdogs.
A Dachshund will let you know if they see or hear anything or anyone in and around your home or yard.
Dachshunds are daring and courageous and willing to take on animals bigger than them.
It’s a natural instinct for them to protect their pack and guard the family home at all times.
Dachshunds don’t need much exercise
Dachshunds are small dogs that don’t need as much exercise as larger dog breeds.
Just 30 minutes is enough for adult miniature Dachshunds and 60 minutes for larger adult standard Dachshunds.
Of course, these are just daily exercise minimums and you can walk further if you work your adult Dachshund up to longer distances.
Although, they do tend to let you know when they’ve had enough!
Puppies have different exercise requirements which you can read about here.

Dachshunds are good for apartment and city living
Dachshunds are classed as a small dog breed so fit well into apartment or city life. They don’t take up much room and are happy just snuggled by your side.
Due to their size, they are easily manageable and therefore suitable for older and younger people to own.
However, they can bark and are often prone to separation anxiety. So, you could run into problems with your neighbours if you leave them home alone too long.
They definitely prefer being with people or other dogs that keep them company during the day.
Dachshunds are funny comedians
Despite their small size, Dachshunds have big personalities! So owning a Dachshund is guaranteed to fill your home with laughter and fun.
They are very cheeky and mischievous! They sleep in funny positions, dream out loud, speak to you all day long, ignore your every command, and run around and play the joker just to make you smile!
When it comes to funny quirks, Dachshunds have more character than most other dog breeds combined!
Dachshunds are extremely loving
Dachshunds are extremely loving dogs that are a joy to have around. They’re sensitive to human emotions and will be there for the good times and the bad.
They like being glued to your side every second of the day, and love nothing more than giving you a big kiss all over your face!
So, if you’re looking for a companion that’ll love you as much as you love them, then a Dachshund is definitely the right dog breed for you!
Dachshunds live a long life
Dachshunds are an adorable breed that quickly become part of the family.
Sadly, most dog breeds live relatively short lives and it’s heartbreaking to see them go.
Fortunately, Dachshunds have long lives compared with other dog breeds.
On average, Dachshunds live between 12 and 16 years, but many Dachshund live beyond 18+ years, making them very special indeed!

What Are The Cons Of Owning A Dachshund?
Even though there are many more pros than cons to owning a Dachshund, there are some personality traits that may not suit everyone.
It’s better to know upfront so you can decide whether a Dachshund is the right dog breed for you!
The cons of owning a Dachshund are:
Dachshunds are stubborn
Dachshunds were originally bred to hunt badgers and other burrow dwelling animals.
They have a stubborn and strong-willed nature that stems from their hunting days.
Being headstrong and having an independent spirit, can make them difficult (although not impossible!) to train.
Potty training in particular can be an issue for many owners and some may never be fully housetrained.
Dachshunds are barkers
Dachshunds like the sound of their own voice. This also stems from their hunting days when they used to bark to alert hunters when they found their prey.
Nowadays, they bark when they’re excited, anxious, bored, territorial, when they have too much energy or they’re attention seeking.
Even though you can work on their barking with training, stopping it completely can be a challenge. If you have neighbours living closely, it’s worth bearing this in mind!
In general, Dachshunds are not a quiet dog breed!
Dachshunds are needy

Dachshunds are needy and don’t like being left alone too long. They’re incredibly clingy with their owners and can be extremely demanding of time, love and attention.
Sometimes, they can get overly needy and rely on their owner a bit too much. This can lead to separation anxiety when you do have to leave the house.
So, if you’re out at work all day, you’ll need to bear this in mind. Make sure someone can pop in during the day to spend time with them and let them outside.
In general, Dachshunds prefer to have people or other dogs (especially other Dachshunds) around most of the time so they feel part of a pack.
Dachshunds like to dig
Digging is a natural trait for Dachshunds. They were bred to burrow the earth and catch badgers.
In fact, that’s the reason they have short legs, a long body, pointy nose, big ears and big claws!
These days, they do it for fun and sometimes out of boredom.
Some Dachshunds dig huge holes in the lawn, others dig up the flowerbeds and some try to dig under the yard fence.
That’s fine if you aren’t precious about your garden or yard but, if you are, you may want to rethink getting a Dachshund – or get yourself some artificial grass!
Dachshunds can be wary of strangers
Not every Dachshund will be wary of strangers or other dogs but, unfortunately, some will. Their natural instinct is to guard their pack and this can go too far at times.
Dachshunds can sometimes become aggressive or bark a lot in these situations. This could lead to stressful problems that need resolving through dog training.
However, if Dachshunds are properly socialised as puppies, they shouldn’t exhibit aggression. Socialisation and puppy training classes are an important part of Dachshund ownership.
Of course, training a Dachshund does take time. So, if you don’t have the time to dedicate to their needs, they may not be the right dog breed for you.

Dachshunds can suffer with their backs
Dachshunds have characteristically short legs caused by a genetic mutation called chondrodysplasia.
Unfortunately, this causes their spinal discs to start deteriorating at a younger age than other dog breeds.
This natural weakness in a Dachshund’s back means 1 in 4 are prone to Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD).
Treatment for this painful and debilitating condition can be extremely costly and can sadly lead to paralysis.
A good pet insurance policy needs to be in place, which can be quite expensive compared with other dog breeds.
This is down to the fact that many Dachshunds are at high risk of health problems related to their fragile backs.
There are some lifestyle changes you can make to help minimise any health issues.
However, back problems are something you’ll have to accept may happen if you bring a Dachshund into your home. You need to be prepared for that.
Dachshunds are addictive!
This could be a pro or con! Once you’ve had one Dachshund, you’ll fall head-over-heels in love with the breed, and it’ll be hard not to want another!
Before you know it you’ll have two Dachshunds, and then you’ll be thinking about three. A few years on, you’ll have a whole brood and the wieners will have taken over your entire life – for the better of course!
You have been warned! 😂
To find out what to look out for when buying a Dachshund, click here!
So, there you have it! A Dachshund may be the right dog breed for you if you want a small, loyal, smart, clingy, loving doggy companion that’s full of character and personality. However, they may not be the right dog breed for you if you want a quiet dog that does their own thing and does what they’re told!
What do I do next?
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