Does your Dachshund have a tick? Do you want to know how to remove it? Are you wondering if your Dachshund can get sick from a tick? Here’s everything you need to know about how to remove a tick from a Dachshund.
How Do You Remove A Tick From A Dachshund? Place the tick removal tool right at the base of the tick, twist in a circular motion and very gently pull upwards until the tick comes out, which normally takes around 2-3 rotations. Make sure you safely kill the tick immediately after it has been removed.
Read on to find out how to remove a tick step-by-step, how to kill a tick safely, what to avoid doing wrong, and when you need to contact your vet.
Table of Contents
- What Are Ticks In Dachshunds?
- Where Do Dachshunds Get Ticks From?
- How Do I Know If My Dachshund Has A Tick?
- How Do You Check A Dachshund For Ticks?
- How To Remove A Tick From A Dachshund
- Does A Vet Need To Remove My Dachshund’s Tick?
- What If My Dachshund’s Skin Looks Infected After A Tick Bite?
- What If My Dachshund Is Unwell After A Tick Bite?
- How Do I Protect My Dachshund From Ticks?
- Can My Dachshund Get Lyme Disease From A Tick?
- Can Ticks Move Around a Dachshund’s Body?
- Can A Tick Transfer From Dachshunds To Humans?
- What do I do next?
This article is based on research and personal experience as a Dachshund owner of 10+ years. I’m not a Vet, qualified dog trainer or dog behaviourist.
What Are Ticks In Dachshunds?
Ticks are eight-legged parasites that contain nasty bacteria and diseases. They bite a Dachshund, latch onto their skin, and feed off their blood.
They start off tiny in size and, the longer they remain attached to the skin, swell up to the size of a small pea.
Unfortunately, ticks can transmit many serious diseases to a Dachshund, including Lyme Disease with symptoms of fever, lethargy and lameness.
That’s why they need to be removed as soon as possible!
Where Do Dachshunds Get Ticks From?
Ticks are most commonly found in long grass, woodland areas, piles of leaves on the ground, meadows and even your own garden or yard.
They crawl up the long grass and latch onto your Dachshund’s skin as he walks past.
They feed on your Dachshund’s blood for several hours or days, and then drop off when they’re done.
Unfortunately, the longer the blood-sucking tick is attached, the more chance of it transmitting disease to your Dachshund.
How Do I Know If My Dachshund Has A Tick?
If you notice your Dachshund has a small light greyish brown oval-shaped lump or bump attached to his skin, it could be a tick.
The body of a tick sticks out of the skin, so you may be able to see it or feel the bump with your hands.
Some ticks are so small they won’t be that noticeable until they have grown in size.
Fortunately, not all tick bites are harmful to Dachshunds. But the ones that are can have serious health consequences.
That’s why you want to get them off your Dachshund’s skin as soon as you notice them. Ideally within 24 hours!
How Do You Check A Dachshund For Ticks?
To check if your Dachshund has a tick, use your hands to feel your Dachshund’s body after going for walks.
Part your Dachshund’s coat to check his skin. Run your hands over his body for anything that feels bumpy or different.
Pay particularly close attention to the moist areas around his head, ears, neck, bottom and underneath his arms and legs.
For long-haired Dachshunds, you can use a hairdryer on low heat to blow the fur in different directions and check for ticks.
Just remember to check under your Dachshund’s collar too!

How To Remove A Tick From A Dachshund
Most owners can safely remove a tick from their Dachshund themselves.
However, if the tick is in a hard to reach place, like inside your Dachshund’s ear or near their eyes, it’s best to contact your vet to ask them to do it.
This Is How To Remove A Tick From A Dachshund:
Use a tick removal tool
A tick removal tool is the best way to properly remove a tick from your Dachshund. You can buy them cheaply on Amazon.
The tick removal tool will let you get a strong grip on the tick so you can remove it from your Dachshund safely.
You need to put some latex gloves on so the tick doesn’t jump from your Dachshund and on to you!
Move your Dachshund’s fur to the side so you can clearly see the tick (or ask someone else to help you with this).
Place the tick removal tool right at the base of the tick. You want to hold it as near to your Dachshund’s skin as you can.
Carefully start to twist the tool in a circular motion and very gently pull upwards. Do this really slowly and steadily.
Keep twisting the tool in the same direction until the tick comes out of the skin and you’re holding it with the tool.
It normally takes around 2-3 rotations to remove a tick from a Dachshund’s skin. Just keep going until it’s out.
And, just so you know, it doesn’t matter whether you turn the tick removal tool clockwise or anticlockwise.
As long as you keep twisting in the same direction and don’t change directions halfway through!
Take your time! Don’t twist too quickly or some of the tick’s body or ‘mouth parts’ may get stuck in your Dachshund’s skin.
If you notice part of the tick still stuck in your Dachshund’s skin after removal, just contact your Vet to get the rest taken out.
Don’t try to pick out the reminder parts of the tick yourself or you could cause your Dachshund’s skin to become infected.
Immediately kill the tick after removal from your Dachshund
Once the tick has been removed, you must immediately kill it in order to avoid it reattaching itself to your Dachshund.
Use caution when killing a tick and keep your latex gloves on.
There are several ways to do this:
Wrap the tick completely in tissue making sure there are no open sides, and then crush it.
Don’t crush it with your bare hand or allow the tick to come into contact with your skin.
Wrap the tick completely in adhesive tape making sure it can’t escape, and then crush it.
Again, don’t crush it with your bare hand or allow the tick to come into contact with your skin.
Plastic bag
Place the tick in a sealed plastic bag and then crush it.
Ticks can be a bit hard to crack at first but you’ll soon get used to it!
Glass container
Put the tick in a glass container with some rubbing alcohol and it will die.
Just be sure to seal the container to stop it escaping before it dies.
Once the tick is dead you can keep it in the jar for a few weeks, just in case your Dachshund shows any signs of illness.
If your Dachshund does become unwell, the dead tick will actually help your vet with their diagnosis.
Make sure the tick is dead
Make absolutely sure the tick is dead before disposing of it.
Unfortunately, flushing a tick down a toilet or washing it down the sink will not kill it.
Neither will putting the tick in the bin without crushing it first.
It may well crawl out and bite again!
Clean the area
Clean your Dachshund’s tick bite area with warm water and salt.
Keep a close eye on the skin and contact your vet if it becomes inflamed or infected.
Wash your hands with antibacterial soap and warm water to prevent the spread of infection from the tick.
Use disinfectant or alcohol to wipe down any surfaces the tick may have landed on or come into contact with.

Do not kill a tick if it’s still on your Dachshund
Under no circumstances should you ever kill a tick until it has been removed from your Dachshund.
This will leave dead parts of the tick under your Dachshund’s skin, which could lead to infection or disease.
Do not burn your Dachshund’s tick off
Do not ever try to burn a tick off your Dachshund. This is actually really dangerous!
You risk burning your Dachshund’s skin and setting his coat alight.
When you burn a tick they get stressed and can regurgitate the contents of their stomach back into the Dachshund.
This could then increase the risk of disease transmission to the Dachshund.
Do not suffocate your Dachshund’s tick with Vaseline
Do not use Vaseline to suffocate your Dachshund’s tick. This isn’t a safe way to remove them.
If the tick gets distressed, it will regurgitate its stomach contents back into your Dachshund, increasing the risk of disease.
Do not squeeze your Dachshund’s tick
Do not squeeze your Dachshund’s tick as this will also increase the risk of infection.
You will squeeze the blood inside of the tick back into your Dachshund.
This increases the possibility of disease entering your Dachshund’s bloodstream.
Does A Vet Need To Remove My Dachshund’s Tick?
It’s fairly straightforward to remove a tick from your Dachshund yourself using a tick removal tool.
This will save you time and a costly trip to the vet!
However, if it’s your first time removing a tick and you don’t feel confident, it may be best to ask your vet to show you what to do.
What If My Dachshund’s Skin Looks Infected After A Tick Bite?
If your Dachshund’s skin is irritated, itchy, inflamed and red, even after you’ve removed the tick, he may have an infection.
You should always see your vet if you’re worried your Dachshund may have an infection from a tick bite as they may need a topical ointment or antibiotics.
What If My Dachshund Is Unwell After A Tick Bite?
If your Dachshund develops any unusual signs of illness following a tick bite, you must contact your vet straight away.
Symptoms could include things like high temperature, loss of appetite, weakness, lameness, lethargy, sickness, pain or even paralysis.
How Do I Protect My Dachshund From Ticks?
To help protect your Dachshund from ticks, you can ask your Vet to prescribe a monthly preventative treatment.
These are generally available as spot on treatments, special collars or tablets.
Tick preventatives should either kill or repel the tick as they try to latch on to your Dachshund
However, just bear in mind that tick preventatives contain powerful chemicals, and some Dachshund owners prefer to use natural alternatives.
For example, Billy No Mates contains mint, seaweed, fenugreek, neem leaves and lemon balm and is said to naturally repel tick, fleas and mites.
CSJ also offer a SkinnySpray which is said to offer some protection from ticks if sprayed on your Dachshund’s coat.
You can also spray it on and around your Dachshund’s bed! (Just be mindful if you have cats as the essential oils are not suitable for them).
Other things you can do to prevent ticks are to keep your grass short, check your Dachshund’s skin after walks, vacuum the home regularly and keep his bed clean.
Can My Dachshund Get Lyme Disease From A Tick?
Yes, your Dachshund can get Lyme Disease from a tick.
Ticks carry Lyme Disease as well as other nasty diseases, and when they bite your Dachshund, they can pass them on.
So, if your Dachshund has a high temperature, is lethargic, seems depressed, has swollen joints, and is avoiding eating after being bitten by a tick, he may have contracted Lyme Disease.
Visit your vet immediately if you’re worried your Dachshund has Lyme Disease or is unwell in the following weeks or months after a tick bite.
Can Ticks Move Around a Dachshund’s Body?
Yes, unfortunately a tick can move around your Dachshund’s body.
So you may originally find the tick on your Dachshund’s neck and then it could move behind his ear.
That’s why you should always keep a tick removal tool handy and remove the tick as soon as you see it!
Can A Tick Transfer From Dachshunds To Humans?
Yes, ticks can transfer from Dachshunds to Humans. If a tick latches onto your Dachshund on a walk, it could later drop off and latch onto you.
That’s why it’s important to dispose of a tick by killing it immediately after you remove it from your Dachshund.
This prevents the tick from crawling onto you and biting you or a member of your family.
Pet owners are more likely to get tick bites than people who don’t have pets.
This is because ticks attach to animals, including Dachshunds, and then bring them into the home.
So, there you have it! Removing a tick is fairly straightforward with a tick removal tool. You just scoop, twist and very gently pull! Just be sure to remove any ticks from your Dachshund ASAP to minimise the risk of disease transmission.
What do I do next?
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