Has your Dachshund recently crossed the rainbow bridge? Are you feeling upset and don’t know what to do? Maybe you’re looking to create a memorial and need some ideas? Here’s some suggestions to help you cope with the loss of your Dachshund.
How Do You Cope With The Loss Of A Dachshund? Give yourself time to heal, be kind to yourself, look after your wellbeing and ask for support if you need it. Once you accept your Dachshund has gone, you can then start to heal and may want to create a memorial to remember your Dachshund by.
Read on to find out how to cope with the loss of your Dachshund, what type of memorial you could create, how to help your children through this difficult time, and where to go for support.
Table of Contents
- Why Does The Loss Of A Dachshund Hurt So Much?
- How To Cope With The Loss Of A Dachshund
- How Do You Create A Memorial For Your Dachshund?
- How Do You Help Children With The Loss Of A Dachshund?
- When Is The Right Time To Remove A Dachshund’s Bed And Toys After They Have Passed?
- How Long Do Other Dogs Mourn The loss Of A Dachshund?
- How Long Should You Wait To Get Another Dachshund After Your Dog Passes?
This article is based on research and personal experience as a Dachshund owner of 10+ years. I’m not a Vet, qualified dog trainer or dog behaviourist.
Why Does The Loss Of A Dachshund Hurt So Much?
The love we feel for our Dachshunds is like no other. That doesn’t mean we love them more than others in our lives, but it’s a very unique and special kind of bond. This means that when we lose them, the pain is almost unbearable.
Dachshunds are not just our pets. They’re our family, our babies and our best friends. They’re with us from the moment we wake up to the time we go to sleep. They follow us around like shadows and are by our side through everything.
Our entire routines are built around them. So, when they’re gone, it can feel like we’ve lost a sense of purpose. We no longer have all those little jobs to do for them throughout the day, and that leaves a big hole in our hearts and lives.
How To Cope With The Loss Of A Dachshund
Dealing with the loss of your Dachshund is all about giving yourself the time and permission to grieve in whatever way you need at the time.
The grieving process is no different to losing a family member or close friend. You might feel drained, restless, confused, in shock, heartbroken, lost, or completely numb.
These are all completely normal ways to feel after your Dachshund crosses the rainbow bridge. Whatever you’re feeling, don’t judge yourself – just let yourself be.
Be kind to yourself
So many people put pressure on themselves to grieve in a certain way. So be kind to yourself. The loss of a Dachshund is a hugely painful experience, and however you’re reacting to it is totally normal.
It doesn’t matter whether you feel absolutely devastated, or are able to carry on. Treat yourself as you would a close friend and give yourself that time to heal.
Let go of the guilt
Some people feel immense guilt because their Dachshunds loved them unconditionally and they weren’t able to make them better.
While it’s understandable to feel sad and upset, it’s also important to remember that your Dachshund was happy and knows they were loved. So you have NOTHING to feel guilty about.
You did everything you could for your Dachshund and they know you had their best interests at heart.
Give yourself time
The time is takes to heal from the loss of a Dachshund is different for everyone. Some people need lots of time to grieve and deal with loss, and others start to feel better more quickly.
There’s nothing wrong either way, so just give yourself as much time and space as you need.
Don’t let anyone tell you how much time you should or shouldn’t take to grieve. Do whatever feels right for YOU.
Look after yourself
Things will feel much harder if you don’t let your body and mind heal, so try to eat and sleep properly if you can.
Even if this means getting in some pre-prepared meals so you don’t have to cook, and making your sleeping space extra cosy and comforting.
Looking after your wellbeing is so important when you’re grieving and under stress. So nurture yourself and give yourself space to process what’s happened.
Accept your Dachshund is gone

One of the toughest but most necessary parts of grieving is accepting that your adorable little Dachshund is gone. Only once you do this can you start to heal properly.
This doesn’t mean you’re moving on or forgetting your Dachshund. But, once you acknowledge that they’ve gone, you open yourself up to feelings of happiness and comfort when you look back on all the wonderful memories.
Ask for support if you need it
If you’d like to talk to someone, reach out to friends or family members who will be supportive and loving.
It’s best to avoid anyone who won’t understand. There will be some people who don’t have pets and just don’t get what you’re going through.
If you don’t have anyone like this in your life, there are lots of Dachshund Facebook groups that you could reach out to, including the one that goes with this blog.
Other Dachshund owners will understand exactly how you’re feeling, and may be able to offer some words of comfort.
There are also pet bereavement support services you can call, or you could even speak to a counsellor.
There are always people out there who can help and support you, so don’t go through this difficult time alone.
How Do You Create A Memorial For Your Dachshund?
There are lots of things you can do to create a memorial for your Dachshund. These can be little things just for you, or bigger things involving other people that loved your Dachshund too.
Here are some ways you can make a memorial for your Dachshund:
Have a funeral or ceremony
You might like to have a little ceremony to celebrate your Dachshund’s life. You could keep this within your family, or invite some close friends to be a part of it.
Create a shrine
You could create a shrine in your garden or home with some trinkets displayed by a candle to remember your Dachshund by.
Write a letter
You may find it therapeutic to write a letter to your Dachshund. Putting your feelings down on paper can often help you work through and process them.
Make a collage
If you have any favourite photos of your Dachshund, why not get them printed and create a collage that will fill you with love every time you look at it.
Start a memory journal
You could create a journal that’s full of all the happy stories and memories you had with your Dachshund.
This is an especially lovely thing to do if you have children. Write down the things you loved most about your Dachshund, and get the kids to draw pictures to go with the stories.
Create a memory box
Create a memory box and fill it with your Dachshund’s special things. For example:
- Photos
- Special blanket
- Favourite toys
- Collar
- Tag
- Leash
- Harness
- Fleece
- Jacket
- Sentimental clothing
- Food Bowl
- Any puppy teeth (if you have them)
- Any dog hair (if you have any)
The memory box can be as big or small as you want. So add anything else you have that is special and reminds you of your adorable Dachshund.
It really is up to you how much or little you decide to keep. If you can’t bear to part with things right away, that’s OK too. You’ll know when the time is right.
Just place everything in the memory box so you can look at your Dachshund’s special things whenever you feel the need.
Create a pet portrait

Nowadays you can print art from your photos and create beautiful canvases or framed prints.
You can even find artists on places like Etsy, Fiverr or Facebook that can draw, paint or illustrate from photographs of your late Dachshund.
Make a memory cushion
A memory cushion is such a sentimental way to remember your Dachshund. You can put the cushion on your sofa or a favourite chair and sit with it every day.
There are a couple of ways to do this. You could have the cushion printed with a photo of your adorable Dachshund.
Or you could make the special memory cushion out of your Dachshund’s favourite blanket. You can either do this yourself or ask a company to do it for you.
Order a keepsake bear or toy
A keepsake bear is a unique way to remember your Dachshund. There are many companies that’ll take your Dachshund’s blanket or clothing and create a special toy out of it.
That way you can put the teddy or toy on your bed and always have your Dachshund with you through the night.
Design a quilt
Design a quilt from your Dachshund’s blankets or clothing. You can either do this yourself or get a company to do it for you.
It’s a lovely way to display your Dachshund’s blankets, and you can snuggle with them when you want to feel that closeness.
Display your Dachshund’s collar
Dachshund collars are small so can be wrapped around lamp bases, bowls, vases or plant pots. Basically, you can display their collar anywhere it fits.
If you still have your Dachshund’s puppy collar, you could even wrap it around the neck of a little teddy bear.
Plant a memory tree or pot plant
You could plant a new tree or pot plant as a special memory to your Dachshund.
You may also want to mix some of your Dachshund’s ashes into the soil so you can watch something new grow from them.
Plants can be potted indoors or outdoors. A houseplant can stay on your windowsill so you can talk to it as and when you need to.
Get a tattoo in memory of your Dachshund
A tattoo won’t be for everyone, and it’s not a decision to be taken lightly (definitely not for the under 18s!).
But some people like to get their late Dachshund’s initials or the outline of their sausage with name tattooed above.
This is a sentimental reminder of your Dachshund that will be with you for the rest of your life.
Scatter your Dachshund’s ashes
If your Dachshund had a favourite spot in the garden, like a place where they loved to dig or lay, you could scatter their ashes there.
It’s lovely to have a dedicated place for your Dachshund. If ever you need to be with them, you’ll know they’re right there.

How Do You Help Children With The Loss Of A Dachshund?
The best thing you can do for your children when you lose the family Dachshund is to tell them it’s OK to express how they feel.
Being sad, angry, confused and fatigued is natural, and children should be allowed to feel those feelings without judgment.
Depending on how old your children are, it’s up to you how much you tell them about what happened.
Let them know your Dachshund was very loved, and you didn’t want him to feel any pain. Make sure they know he was happy and is at peace now.
Keep talking to your children and be there for them if they need to talk, cry or have a cuddle. They may just want to talk about things they miss or happy times they had with him, and that’s OK too.
It’ll probably feel impossibly sad to talk about your Dachshund at first, but eventually you all might find some comfort, healing and even happiness in these conversations.
If your children struggle to talk about how they’re feeling, encourage them to let it out in other ways.
You can do things like drawing, writing a story, or writing a letter directly to your Dachshund. This really helps to process feelings to let everyone heal.
When Is The Right Time To Remove A Dachshund’s Bed And Toys After They Have Passed?
There’s no right or wrong time to remove your Dachshund’s toys, bed, bowl and other things after they have crossed the rainbow bridge.
If you find it easier to leave them where they are, then do so. Don’t let anyone push you into making a decision you’re not ready for.
In time, you may wish to package everything into a memory box to keep and look back on. Or you may want to give your Dachshund’s things to another dog owner or charity.
It’s whatever feels right for you at the time. Just make sure you take the time to think about your decision. Move at a pace that feels right for you.
How Long Do Other Dogs Mourn The loss Of A Dachshund?
If you have another dog in your home, they may also mourn the loss of your Dachshund for around 2–6 months. You’ll probably notice some heartbreaking behaviour changes in your dog like crying, searching the house, clinginess, a loss of appetite, lethargy or changes in their sleeping habits.
You can help your dog through by being there for him with extra love, affection, walks and playtime.
Keep his routine as similar as possible to what it was before. Dogs love routine, and knowing when they’re supposed to eat, sleep, go to the toilet, etc. can help them cope.

How Long Should You Wait To Get Another Dachshund After Your Dog Passes?
There’s no right or wrong time to get another dog after your Dachshund crosses the rainbow bridge. It’s whenever you and your family feel you’re ready to let one into your hearts and lives.
Be true to your heart
If you feel you’d like another Dachshund to regain a sense of purpose that you lost when yours sadly passed away, then there’s absolutely no reason why you shouldn’t.
However, if you’re thinking about getting another Dachshund because other people keep telling you to, then this isn’t the right reason to get one.
Wait until you’re ready
Only you know when you’re emotionally ready to let another Dachshund into your heart and life.
While having another Dachshund around can certainly be good for you in time, you might not feel ready for it just yet, and that’s OK. You still have a lot of healing to do and that takes time.
Consider children
If you have children or a partner who are also grieving, you need to make sure the decision to get another Dachshund is right for them too.
Consider other pets
If you have an existing dog who’s still mourning the loss of his pal, he may not take kindly to a new dog in his home. He may not be ready to accept a new dog quite yet so bear that in mind.
Have a family conversation
When the time comes, just be sure to explain to the whole family that this new Dachshund isn’t meant to replace the one you’ve lost. This is a new family member to love and look after forever.
(And, because you read this far, I already know that you have an awful lot of LOVE to give).
Coping with the loss of a Dachshund isn’t easy and can be very painful. Dachshunds are the centre of our world and the light in our lives. But memories last a lifetime, and making a memorial is a lovely way to remember your Dachshund forever. Only Dachshund owners truly understand how other owners feel, so don’t feel like you have to go through this alone. Feel free to join our Facebook Group and we’ll offer all the support we can. We’re so sorry for your loss 🌈❤️
If you feel this article has helped you with the loss of your Dachshund and may help someone else too, please kindly share below. I want every Dachshund owner to know they’re not on their own, and there are always people out there to support them.